Wohin in Vorarlberg

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English Book Club

English Book Club

Diese Veranstaltung ist schon vorbei


  • Fr 28. Jun ’24, 18:30 – 20:00
  • Fr 27. Sep ’24, 18:30 – 20:00
  • Fr 22. Nov ’24, 18:30 – 20:00
  • Fr 31. Jan, 18:30 – 20:00


Stadtbibliothek Dornbirn, Schulgasse 44a, Dornbirn Landkarte anzeigen


Alle Altersklassen

Ticket Information:

  • Eintritt frei

Englische Bücher lesen und gemeinsam auf Englisch besprechen – das geht jetzt in der Stadtbibliothek!

On Friday evenings, we meet to read and discuss English books. The group is open to anyone interested in English literature and with intermediate skills in English. You can join regardless of your age, nationality and the number of books you've read recently.

The English Book Club offers an engaging environment, the opportunity to meet other book enthusiasts and to discover new books under the expert guidance of Bronwyn Konrad - an experienced host and a book lover herself.

The first book we discuss will be „Strong Poison“ by Dorothy Sayers. After that, the group will decide about the next book.

Event organizer: Stadtbibliothek Dornbirn

Host of the Book Club: Bronwyn Konrad

Location: Stadtbibliothek Dornbirn

Registration: regina.geisler-knuenz​@dornbirn.at

Walk-ins are welcome

Fotocredit: © Ylanite Koppens | Pexels

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